Ep 58 – Producing Content that Actually Engages with Hollie Brown

by | Apr 29, 2024

Bank Marketing Show
Bank Marketing Show
Ep 58 - Producing Content that Actually Engages with Hollie Brown

Content marketing is an oft-misunderstood thing – most banks just produce blog posts about financial topics, and sometimes collect them into a periodic newsletter.  But are you really adding value to your customers with a blog post on “the difference between fixed and ARM mortgages”, when there are literally hundreds of similar blogs already online?

In this episode, Chris and Dan chat with Hollie Brown, VP of Marketing for Coastal Community Bank.  Hollie leverages her journalism background and the bank’s network to create regular, expert-driven content for her customers. That content “engine” has even led to a system that drives email signups, and a busy calendar of in-person events – truly creating a community where customers can learn more about the bank, network with other similar customers and small businesses, and learn from experts.  And most importantly – this system actually converts readers and attendees to real customers.

Topics Include:

●     How content marketing and digital marketing work together

●     How producing regular content is a resourceful task for local banks

●     How banks can leverage a content strategy to create face-to-face community events

●     How to determine if your content audience becomes customers

●     Why it’s important to involve your internal team in your content strategy

Hollie Brown is Vice President of Marketing for Coastal Community Bank. Coastal provides personal and business banking services for Puget Sound, WA customers, and Banking as a Service (BaaS) for fintech partners. At Coastal, Hollie leads marketing strategy, brand and corporation communication, public relations, and digital marketing.

Hollie earned a BA in Journalism from Western Washington University, an Executive Development Professional certificate from the Washington Bankers Association, a certificate in Bank Marketing from the American Bankers Association, and she is a Certified Financial Management Professional from the American Bankers Association. She is currently enrolled in Pacific Coast Banking School.

Before joining Coastal, she was the Regional Marketing Manager for Moss Adams LLP in Seattle and the Vice President and Director of Marketing for Peoples Bank in Bellingham, WA.

Resources Mentioned:

●     Website: https://www.coastalbank.com/

●     LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/holliejoybrown/

●     Website: https://bankmarketingshow.com/